Monday, March 14, 2011

Side one

I completed the colored embroidery on the first side of the sweet bag. I now know why the sides on extant bags tend to vary from each other- without counting, it's impossible to make things exact, plus, I may alter the shading on the second side, and some colors. Artistically, I'm mostly pleased, although I don't feel the rose is a vibrant, so I will switch with the red in the pink. I will also extend out the yellow in the center of the viola, for more effect, and maybe add a lighter shade of purple for more contrast (I do have two colors of purple in there now, but they're very similar). I used floss that I had available, so some of the colors aren't as exactly precise as I might have wanted them- but it is a good experience in working with what I have, rather than unlimited colors. This seems to me more like what would happen "in period"- color choices would be more limited than what we have today.

I may add some more motifs, because extant bags seem "busier"- but my goal end size for this one is approximately 4.5 inches square, so I want to make sure I have room for the plaited braid. I'll probably draw those lines in, and then see how much room remains. I'm also stuck on what the center base motif will be. I've seen butterflies, rabbits, birds, leaves...but I haven't found one I love.

I'm using a 32-count canvas, and doing tent stitch 1:1, which makes it a petit point, and it is BRUTAL. It is so tiny, and so time-consuming! I love the overall look, but still...

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